bosch hoek members page

Members Golf


Ladies’ Members golf from 08h30



Men’s Members golf from 11h00



Mixed Members golf from 11h00

All guests & visitors are welcome to join our Members in the competition. 


Corporate Sponsorship

Bosch Hoek Golf Club would like to offer you or your company the opportunity to sponsor one of our popular Members Golf Days.

We offer you the following in return:

  • Branding on 1st Tee-box (in front of the Clubhouse)
  • Branding at Prizegiving
  • A Fourball on the day
  • An opportunity to address the Members

If you or your company are interested in sponsoring one of our Member’s Days, please contact Brad on 033 234 4232 or

Membership Fees 2024 / 2025

Family (husband, wife and children)Pay as you PlayUnlimited48 Rounds
1st MemberR 9 400.00R 12 295.00N/A
2nd MemberR 4 700.00
3rd, 4th & 5th MemberR 965.00
Adult MembershipPay as you PlayUnlimited48 Rounds
Adult (41 years or older on 1 October 2024)R 9 400.00R 12 295.00R 9 725.00
Intermediate (36 to 40 years old on 1 October 2024)R 4 840.00R 9 625.00R 8 470.00
Intermediate (31 to 35 years old on 1 October 2024)R 3 630.00R 6 270.00R 5 390.00
Intermediate (26 to 30 years old on 1 October 2024)R 2 420.00R 4 125.00R 3 520.00
School Staff (bona-fide school employee)R 4 510.00R 1 980.00R 1 650.00
Junior MembershipPay as you PlayUnlimited48 Rounds
Scholar & Student (under 25 years old on 1 October 2024)R 1 865.00R 1 650.00N/A
Bosch Hoek Affiliation & Card Fees
Affiliation to Bosch Hoek R 925.00
Card Fee (new and replacement card) R 350.00
Optional Golf Cart Package
Unlimited Golf Cart R 9 320.00
Unlimited Trail Fee R 1 980.00
Green Fees - Pay as You Play Member 9 Holes18 Holes
Adult (41 years or older on 1 October 2024) R 285.00R 385.00
Intermediate (36 to 40 years old on 1 October 2024)R 285.00R 385.00
Intermediate (31 to 35 years old on 1 October 2024)R 265.00R 330.00
Intermediate (26 to 30 years old on 1 October 2024)R 265.00R 330.00
School Staff (bona-fide school employee)R 265.00R 330.00
Scholar & Student (under 25 years old on 1 October 2024)R 230.00R 275.00
Cart & Golf Club Hire 9 Holes18 Holes
Golf Cart R 310.00R 430.00
Trail Fee R 95.00R 95.00
Pull Cart R 120.00R 120.00
Golf Clubs R 275.00R 385.00